agosto 12, 2011

Právo Calling

A great architectural mind once pointed out that people were not looking, nor hearing right. Refering to "the eyes that do not see" and "ears that do not hear", he wrote: "Architecture. Or Revolution."
This is a call for a Revolution for you-Prague!
What are you doing with your built heritage? Why are you constantly trying to wipe the history out? Who are YOU if you refuse to deal with the history?
People are constantly erasing, demolishing and burning.
We pretend that things never existed. We pretend that things were never there.
And what about all the layers of time that passed? What about the layers that processes had left?That people had left?
What about identity? Why can't we overcome these problems?
Instead of trying to solve them, we want to destroy them.
Come on, Prague! Deal with what you have! Don't be ashamed of it! It is the only right thing to do! MAKE A STATEMENT. TAKE A STAND. IT IS YOUR PRÁVO! SO WHAT IF IT IS RUDE? Deal with it. And accept it.
We are here to offer you a hand to step on that bridge of shame and negligence. We are already living in the old printing house. Go home, take your sheets, your pillows, your sleeping bags, your slippers, your night lamps, and come on - MOVE IN WITH US! Take this space - it is yours!
Feel it.
Make peace with it.
And only then, do what you think is right.


1. Be aware of your own identity
2. Document everything.
3. Deal with your own history and accept it.
4. Do not underestimate the value of your built heritage.
5. Do not erase, demolish or burn.
6. See beyond the facade.
7. See the values of time, processes and people.
8. Rethink your statements and points of view.
9. Always be prepared for an action.
10. Every action can escalate into a revolution.

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