diciembre 19, 2010

PQ 2011

En septiembre encontré una convocatoria para participar en un proyecto q se llama SIX ACTS q será parte de la Cuadrienal de Escenografía 2011 q se realizará en Praga en junio del siguiente año. Se trata basicamente de codirigir con otros estudiantes y un escenógrafa (o) un montaje.

En primer lugar tenia q averiguar más sobre las escenografas (os) q estarían a cargo de los estudiantes y de su trabajo dentro del proyecto.

Las opciones eran : Uwe Köhler (Germany), Louise Ann Wilson (UK), Rolf Abherhalden (Columbia), Roma Patel (UK), and Tomas Zizka (Czech Republic).

Asi q investigue, lei, visite sus páginas y me informe más sobre su trabajo y me decidí por Roma Patel.

Roma comes from a more traditional bacground in scenography, however, an increase in access to digital technology in recent years has had a profound impacted on her work and ideas. Roma is primarily involved in the designing of sets and projection for theatre and digital art installation and has worked with companies in the UK, Ireland, and the Netherlands since 1998. She trained at the Wimbledon School of Art and completed herM.A. in Scenography at the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design. She is a committee member of the Society of British Theatre Designers and her work was exhibited internationally at the Prague Quadrennial in 2007.

Lo segundo era decidir si siendo yo pasante ellos me considerarían estudiante pq aun no tengo mi título y demás. Mandar los papeles y esperar al 30 de noviembre para saber la respuesta.

Fui aceptada!

Esto es el primer borrador del proyecto, q seguramente cambiará mientras trabajamos todos por FB antes de llegar al montaje final en Praga.

Roma Patel – the second act

Roma has a keen interest in working with interactive digital media, which includes video projections and animations, that can be controlled by sensors and triggering mechanisms. Roma is excited by site-specific projects because this kind of work can be found in public spaces that are non-controlled environments; interventions that ´interrupt´ the public space and tend to attract audiences that normally don’t go to theatre. Students working with Roma will be based in the ancient and historic undercroft of the Bethlehem Chapel. Her initial response was to work with fabric and projection, with the idea of literally weaving a story.

Roma would ideally like with a flexible team who are interested and/or may have some experience in creating art installations, working in alternative theatre spaces with various new media technologies, textile collage, promenade theatre and generally interested in experimenting. Students should have skills one or more of the following : Lighting, Video editing /projections, Sound design and recording, Costume making and Scenography/ Scenic construction.

Hers is the only act that will specifically address children.

Roma’s will be performed the 19th and 20th June and will take the form of an interactive installation which will stay in place till the 24th.

Ah y lo presentaremos en
The Bethlehem Chapel was originally built in 1391; it is situated in Bethlehem Square in the Old Town. The chapel is important in Prague’s history because it was a birthplace of reformative movement and it became very popular when the reformer Jan Hus, preached there from 1402 to 1413. He was burned at the stake in Constance as a heretic in 1415.

“At that time(1400’s) there was no square here because in front of the chapel was the Church of SS Philip and Jacob with a cemetery, destroyed during the Hussite Wars. Hidden beneath the roof of the Chapel was the original street well. According to legend, a long time ago bad mothers threw their new-born babies into the well and for this reason the Chapel was dedicated to the Bethlehem baby innocents.”

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