marzo 05, 2013

30+ mantras for people who over-work, over-commit, and are generally terrified of 'missing out'.

FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out.

It’s a serious cultural crisis — and it’s reflected in the way we eat (with cellphones blinking), sleep(with our laptops, nestled into the covers like digital lovers), work (with our inboxes & Twitter feeds open, at all times), commit (or rather, over-commit), and play (with one eye perpetually scanning the room, for something … better.)

FOMO is the polar opposite of FOCUS.

It’s rooted in the nefarious belief that this moment, right now, in all its splendor, with what we’ve currently got … just. isn’t. good. enough.

What would happen if … we collectively liberated ourselves from the painful grip of FOMO-itis?

Even just for a single hour — say, starting right now?
Let’s do it. I’ll join you.
Here’s a collection of mantras to help alleviate the fear of missing out … of needing to do more … and of not being amazing enough.
Choose one, or say them all. Repeat as needed. Onward, with ease!

30 mantras you can say to yourself …

❤ I am here now. I’ll be there, later.
❤ I’ve done enough for today.
❤ I’ve done (more than) enough for today.
❤ I’ve chosen to be here, now. And I made a really good choice.
❤ I could unplug for 100 years and not miss a single thing.
❤ I am very busy … at staying un-busy.
❤ I am a messenger of ease, in an un-easy world.
❤ I am leaving the world in better condition than I found it.
❤ I am mastering the art of supreme focus.
❤ I am exploring the science of play.
❤ I am living proof that less is more.
❤ I am a role model for a resentment-free life!
❤ Mr. Rogers would be proud of me, today.
❤ The biggest gift I can give to myself (and the world) is my well-rested body & mind.
❤ The greatest gift I can give to myself (and the world) is my own undivided attention.
❤ It is impossible for me to “miss out.” There are (more than enough) miracles to go ’round.
❤ Everybody needs me right now (AND) Nobody needs me right now.
❤ Everything needs to be finished (AND) Nothing needs to be finished.
❤ Nobody benefits from my exhaustion (BUT) Everyone benefits from my happiness.
❤ The Internet is my friend & my tool — not my home.
❤ My calendar is beautifully full, but not busy. My job is to keep it that way.
❤ Being quiet & still is the kindest thing I can do.
❤ When I rest, unplug & play, I give other people permission to do the same.
❤ When I let emails sit in my inbox — instead of answering them instantly — I am teaching patience to others.
❤ When I move at a slower, easier pace, I am modeling compassion for others.
❤ When there’s less on my plate, my true brilliance has space to emerge.
❤ Every time I say NO, somebody else gets to say YES.
❤ Every time I say NO, my life gets lighter & brighter.
❤ Focus is such a flattering color.
❤ Ease looks good on me.

Vía: Alexandra Franzen

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