junio 28, 2015

Detached and non-attachement

"As Michael Beckwith said to me, “Detached is, ‘I’m not playing anymore. I’m taking my ball and going home.’ Whereas non-attached is ‘I’m playing full-out, but I’m not attached to an outcome.’” Ya, THAT."

"You’ve got to want what you want with all your heart. Not just half of your heart, not kinda, not if there’s proof, or if it’s easy, or if the funding is there, or if the timing is perfect. Nu-huh. No halves. Connected to your heart — not detached from it. Give it all you got, and then… let it go. Let it go up to the Milky Way to be worked on. Let it come back with an answer, a gold nugget, a breakthrough, an alternative, a home."

abril 22, 2015

"Nolan knows, however, that the natural target of the blockbuster is the lowest common denominator, and he’s had to build into his filmmaking practice personal safeguards against what he calls “chasing an audience.” In preparation for each film, he spends a week or two bashing out a little précis, on the same typewriter his father gave him when he was 21. (It appears as a prop in “Following.”) Often that précis doesn’t even talk much about the plot; it’s supposed to represent the feeling he wants to elicit, the texture of the fable. He keeps it in a file and returns to it from time to time to make sure he hasn’t lost touch with his original idea. He also doesn’t do traditional scored research screenings or focus groups, choosing instead to show his films to a handful of people at a time as he’s editing."

diciembre 15, 2014